January 29, 2008

back to 'tina

I have said a final goodbye to my very first country and made my way out of Chile yesterday. I am back in Argentina, in El Calafate. And peple have been warning me that this place is touristy (which it is) and expensive (which it is, sort of, but also very upscale - it doesn't seem to be that much more expensive for the same things), but I am also finding it gorgeous. It´s a lovely little mountain town on a huge lake; with all of the "native artisan" emphasis, it strikes me as a very New Mexico/Arizona resort town. Not a bad place to spend a couple of days. Plus, tomorrow: glacier!

I also managed to almost manage my Chilean money correctly, so I didn´t leave with too much extra. Maybe I will change the 2000 pesos I have, maybe not. We'll see. On the other hand, the computer at the hostel, while free, is archaic enough that the USB drives don't work. Pictures will have to wait either for an Internet cafe or Buenos Aires, whichever comes first.

OK, so I don't really have anything to day, at least until I can get pictures up, but I want to keep my loyal fan base reading. I will be more interesting as soon as I can, I swear.

1 comment:

ruchi said...

Damn straight! Your loyal fan base demands your posts!