January 17, 2008

at home at the end of the world

It took an extra day, more stress, and more flexibility than I maybe would have liked, but I made it to Ushuaia today without much additional issue. I got to my hostel, which looks lovely, and wandered around the town some. So far so nice.

Check out the view from the upstairs lounge in the hostel:
swank, no?

Anyhow, the town is charming, and I can't wait to hike and explore. I am uploading photos as we speak, and tomorrow I will hopefully have no issue getting a bus out of here for this weekend or Monday (fingers xed for me!).

My low mood has turned itself around, for which I am glad. My entire trip was sort of stretched out in front of me, but I think I am looking forward to it again, as it should be.
I'll post more details of the place as soon as I have been here for more thana few hours. For now, I
will just say that it is really cool, how this is such a tourist destiation, but for the whole world. There were lots of Argentines and other Latin Americans on my plane today, and all were as giddy and excited as I was at the vistas from the plane windows. There were Scots and Irishers at the baggage claim, there is an Israeli at the computer next to me - for a remote world's end distination, it sure is a hot spot.

Also, it may not technically be the midnight sun, but it's darn close - sunset was at about 11:30 tonight, and I am sure it will rise again in like 3 hours. Trippy.

Thank you so much for the comments, by the way - please keep them coming! I love feeling connected!


ScienceMama said...

Oh. My. God. I want to be there so bad. The picture of the rooftops is amazing. More pictures please!!!!!!

ruchi said...

that's beautiful. i wanna travel the world! sniff.