There were some snags, some large and some small, with getting here, but overall the train was a pretty cool experience. It was sort of a challenge to get a berth because right now is Thai New Year, so all of the locals are traveling to visit family - and everyone getting on and off this train had bags and bags and boxes galore. One mother and kid was hauling around a full-sized bike. There was some traveling going on, that's for sure.
The train left early-ish, about 5, but that was ok - if it was going to get in to Bangkok at 5am, I needed to go to sleep early or be useless today. So they come around and convert the chairs into relatively comfortable upper and lower bunks. This is me all snug in my upper bunk:

It stayed light, and it could be noisy from time to time, and I didn't feel entirely relaxed, so I didn't sleep the best ever, but it was not the fault of the berth at all.
So here I am in Bangkok, and a little groggy, but still looking to get out in the town - first stop is the weekend market. Now I just have to find it. That is the challenge here, isn't it?
By the way, I am staying, for the first time since Aerolineas put me up in Buenos Aires, in a hotel by myself, because my sister is awesome and that's what she gave me for Christmas. And having my own room, television, aircon, and bathroom? Priceless.
that sleeping space you're in? it looks like the offspring of a hyperbaric chamber and a holiday inn shower stall.
p.s.--nice tan!
Hi Anne cousin Scott here. I have been reading your blog for some time now and I'm really excited and kind of living vicariously through your experiences around the world. You are seeing and doing what alot of people will never accomplish in their lives. Have fun, be safe
Talk soon
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