December 03, 2007

blogger woes

I don't know what kind of a case of the Mondays is rocking blogger, but it's annoying as all get out. My previous two posts (which, now that I think of it, were posted from home and my Mac, so that may be connected) managed to enjoy some massively entertaining formatting woes. The text was the wrong size, the leading changed from the first paragraph to the rest, as did the line spacing. I am clueless when it comes to this, so I didn't eve know we COULD change the leading and line spacing. And it also randomly changed font size in the first paragraph.

I formatted and reformatted, all to no avail; those posts would not be made uniform! So ultimately, I retyped the first paragraph, and that cleared up the sizing issues. It also randomly gave it an extra line between each paragraph (...?), but one more edit cleared those up.

So, as I said: NO idea why blogger was doing this to me. But all of this is to say that I am currently at work, during what appears to be a monumentally slow quarter. I have time and nothing better to fill it, so I will play format detective and make it all right. But don't get too cozy - I feel like when I start posting from random countries and random internet cafes, all caring for format goes right out the window.

PS, this whole entry formatted just fine....

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